About me

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A few words about me. I am an academic and my research centers around women’s health and women’s studies and mental health, particularly maternal perinatal mental health, pregnancy, birth, trauma and postnatal depression; I also work in youth wellbeing and cancer projects;

I write books (for children and story-tales for grown ups) because I fully believe that stories carry an enormous transformative power! “Stories are medicine” (C P Estes). I explore human connection, maternal mental issues (ante- and post-natal depression), feminism for boys and girls, fatherhood

I lead women’s groups that explore various concepts around human connection, what it means to be a 21 century woman, and a mother through art, fairy-tales and archetypal work.

Both my work and life are grounded in feminism and social activism to progress environmental, anti-stigma and awareness-raising causes.

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